Time-Power WorkshopA powerful, one-day experience in using new tools and techniques for managing that most elusive of all commodities, Time.
Presentation-Power WorkshopA powerful, two-day experience in planning and delivering well organized, visually appealing, persuasive presentations.
Partnering WorkshopAn insightful two-day experience in moving beyond simply cooperating or working together to achieving full internal Partnering effectiveness.
Communication and Interpersonal Skills for SupervisorsThis highly interactive two-day workshop challenges participants to build their communication and interpersonal skills through a series of difficult simulations of real-world situations. Designed especially for use in an international, multi-cultural setting, this course is essential to anyone supervising (or about to promoted to supervisor) a culturally diverse workforce.
Leadership Skills Workshop (coming soon)Taking lessons from many of history's most outstanding leaders, this two or three-day workshop reveals the secrets of successful leaders, and helps participants increase their personal LQ (Leadership Quotient).
Meeting Design and Facilitation ServicesWe will work with you to plan the agenda for, and then conduct (as third-party, outside facilitators), your complex, multi-day working meetings, freeing you to be a full participant in the meeting.Our turnkey facilitation services free you from worrying about conducting the meeting, keeping it on track, or handling any conflicts or dysfunctions which might occur. You leave all the tough work to us. What we do best is manage the meeting dynamics, to free you up to concentrate on what you do best; solve problems, create ideas and make decisions.
Consulting and Coaching ServicesWe will Consult with you on a variety of performance improvement projects in your organization, and we'll also Coach your managers and executives privately, individually and confidentially to help them identify their developmental needs and to develop a plan to meet them.
Instructional Design ServicesWe will work with you (and your internal instructional design professionals, if you have them on staff) to design custom learning experiences tailored to your needs. We will also take your existing instructional designs and update them to meet your current needs.
The Herrington Group, Inc. (Voice) 702-492-6962 (Fax) 702-492-6963 (Email) Herringtons@theherringtongroup.com |